Namaste - Yoga Studio Ready-to-use Minimal WordPress Elementor Theme

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shoppingBag Sales: 60

Created: Dec 10, 2018

Updated: Jul 2, 2020

ID: 75651

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

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Namaste - Yoga Studio Ready-to-use Minimal WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 1Namaste - Yoga Studio Ready-to-use Minimal WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 2Namaste - Yoga Studio Ready-to-use Minimal WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 3Namaste - Yoga Studio Ready-to-use Minimal WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 4Namaste - Yoga Studio Ready-to-use Minimal WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 5Namaste - Yoga Studio Ready-to-use Minimal WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 6Namaste - Yoga Studio Ready-to-use Minimal WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 7

Engage more people in your yoga studio using Namaste Minimal WordPress theme. You will be able to highlight the important and relevant features of your yoga classes in the most astonishing way with the theme. You will be able to customize your site’s functionality and appearance using a strong Jet plugins toolkit with Elementor page builder. JetElements plugin will allow building different kinds of content with easiness and efficiency; you will add various custom blocks to your website’s page layout, containing useful widgets. JetMenu plugin will assist you in creating and styling a mega menu, enriching the content of the menu items. It will be possible to build a powerful website from ready-made sections and pre-made pages with a help of JetThemeCore plugin. You will fill the blog posts’ content with stylish elements using JetBlog plugin. With JetBlock plugin you will expand the functionality of headers and footers in a few clicks. Share a conscious lifestyle among the potential clients of your studio using a responsive, user-friendly Namaste Ready-to-use Minimal theme.

3 Reviews for this product

Author says, they don't provide support for Template monsters bought themes, via their own page...? Hmm... But they have supported ok here in template monsters tickets. One messy thing is, that they use JetElements and JetBuilder which is very confusing, why there is so many places to find where everything works. Sometimes it's under Elementor, sometimes via Jet Tools, sometimes via some other menu...
Sehr gut gestaltetes Template. Einfach in der Handhabung sowie in der Installation. Es lässt sich sehr schnell und einfach Umsetzen. Unseren Kunden hat es äußert zufrieden gestellt. Die Integration verschiedener Module erlaubt es die Seite den Bedürfnissen für verschiedene Branchen anzupassen. Die Anpassung mit weiteren Modulen lässt sich ebenso ohne Probleme durchführen. Jederzeit würden wir das Template auch für andere Bereich anwenden.
Das Template wurde für eine andere Branche verwendet, da es eine schöne Mischung aus minimalistischer Gestaltung und vordefinierten Bausteinen aufweist. Es hat alles sehr gut geklappt. Die neuen Optionen von Elementor (Speichern, Veröffentlichen) haben kurzzeitig für Verwirrung gesorgt, das war aber kein Fehler im Template sondern ist nur eine neue Funktion.

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